We aim to produce two catalogues a year; these are sent directly to your email address (UK only).

If you would like to be added to our email catalogue list, please send us your name, address, telephone number and email address.

Thank you for requesting a copy of our latest catalogue. For customers with Internet access, this is available to view from a Thursday  evening on release (aiming at next week). We will advise you of release date when each new catalogue is ready. You will need access to the Internet from the Thursday of the issue-week. Although we still issue paper lists via the normal mail system, we would prefer the e-mail system as this keeps our costs down & enables us to offer very competitive prices. There will come a point when we discontinue hard-copy lists except by subscription.

Please note that we don't operate on a first-come, first-served basis. We believe this is an unfair system when customers have to rely on the vagaries of the postal system! On the Saturday following release, we will sit down with all orders & juggle to obtain the best result for as many as possible. This does mean that you may not receive all your wants or even any dependant on popularity but we'll do the best we can!


Send to: daves@dgcoins.co.uk

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